Getting the coffee right is essential in having a successful café business. There is so much choice that it can sometimes be a little overwhelming to make a decision on everything that is required to offer a good cup of coffee. We can eliminate this stress for you by being a one-stop shop for your coffee solution.The best coffee comes from a combination of three key things - the barista, the coffee and the coffee machine.
Below is an example of what we could offer as a solution to your café needs.
Machine – Bambino
The Bambino provides a top quality 1 or 2 group coffee machine in a compact eye-catching style. It comes with semi-automatic or electronic options. Coupled with the model T grinder and the economy knock out drawer, the Bambino will make a stunning addition to any café for a surprisingly low level of investment.
Coffee - Platinum
This well balanced blend with a strong aroma is the coffee drinker’s coffee. It is 80% Arabica and 20% Robusta, which gives that extra “kick” for the perfect Americano.
Your coffee is only as good as the last coffee you make. Every cup of coffee is important and it's vital that you and your staff know how to make good coffee. Making good coffee is not rocket science but it's very important to get proper barista training before you work behind a coffee machine. This is why we provide on site training to all our customers both initially and then on a continual basis.
Other products
We can provide you with everything additional that revolves around coffee. We have quality porcelain cups and saucers that come in a range of sizes and display the Delta logo. We also have sugar sachets/sticks, biscuits, cinnamon sticks and much, much more.